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My poems

These are some poems that I have written, ENJOY!!

Now that we have parted,
I miss you more and more.
Wishing we were closer,
And not thousands of miles apart.
Just to see you smile.
And to have a heart to heart.
Being with you is a feeling;
Unlike any other.
Not knowing;
When we will see one another,
Or even chat;
Makes me sad.
Because talking to you
Is well worth my time.
I only wish,
I knew if you felt the same.
I don't want to lose you,
I really wanna see if things could work.
I kno you still need time and space,
But I don't wanna give them to you.
I am afraid that you won't come back.
I don't know why I feel this way about you.
But I am beginning to understnad things more clearly.
Now that you are gone.
I have more time to think...
About you, me, us
I know you don't think about me often,
But I think about you.
You are my sunshine when things are rainy,
You are my shoulder I run to cry on.
Now that you are gone I don't have
That person I ran too all the time
I do'nt want to be the girl in the background anymore
I want to be right there by your side.

Summer Camp

Dreadful emerald green lake water;

Beautiful blossomed Maple trees swaying in light winds.

Mosquitoes attack their living prey.

Sounds of laughter as children play ultimate Frisbee joyfully.

Music blaring from local bars;

Splashing of green water from passing boats is distracting.

A beautiful song from beautiful birds is soothing after a long days work.

Shouts of encouragement come from different areas of camp,

As scouts earn their badges

Everyone realizes camp has been a very joyful week.


As scouts tear down camp,

Staffers hurry around to clean up messes left behind.

Plastic bottles, wrappers, rope, matches;


All are things left untouched.

All scouts are gone; its time for real work

Policing, mopping, sweeping, fire building.

Now it is time for the staff to play

Some going home, others staying

But back on Sunday for another wild crazy week.        

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